Sunday, January 28, 2007

don't buy cheap diapers

5 dollars for 60 some store brand diapers was just too tempting. but what i've saved in diaper costs i've spent in laundry detergent and water bills. my god, cheap diapers suck. every single time i change t2 he's had some kind of blow out or is swimming in pee. it's terrible. what's funny about it is that he doesn't mind - at all. the kid can be covered in poop and happy as a clam rolling around on the floor. kinda like our dog moose.
someone told me store brands were just as good. i can't remember who that was, but when i do i'm totally calling their bluff. sweet, soft pampers, take me away.
while i'm mythbusting, i'm going to just go ahead and say that the breast feeding class lady who told me that nursing is so much easier than formula feeding is a BIG FAT LIAR.
now that it's all over, i feel like calling her up and telling her what i think about her way too rosy outlook. maybe i'll do that today.
it so was not easy. in fact, it was border line pain in the ass. first, the anxiety about even being able to do it at all. then being able to do it, but not sure if the baby is actually getting enough. then knowing the baby is getting enough and doing so 8 to 10 times a day. then realizing that you can't go away for more than 3 hours without the baby or the god forsaken pump (which i later called my pimp) and that you're in it a-l-o-n-e. then all of the hidden charms, like special bras with confusing clasps and public stares (although not so much in LA, hooter capital of the world) and what to do when you forget a pump part or the batteries die or suddenly your chest is a faucet in the middle of target or your kid sleeps through the night but your boobs don't.
of course, i'd do it all again cause i like punishment. the benefits outweigh even the worst drawbacks. i just wish someone would have been straight up and told me it's pretty knarly and not all that beautiful, but that it won't last forever and it's the right thing to do if you're up to it.
instead i got a bunch of attachment parenting gribbibdly garb sprinkled with some guilt and was told how warm and fuzzy it'd make me feel. it did sometimes, especially the first few weeks.
but come on, people. how can having a little critter suck the life out of you really be all that wonderful for any great length of time? if i'd been thinking clearly - and by that i mean if my head hadn't been clouded with all the bs - i'd of come to terms with this much earlier than i did. i still would have done it. and i still would have honored the 6 month contract, i just would have been a bit more cheery about it.
there. i feel better. now if i could just find that lady's number ...


Anonymous said...

forget calling the lady - you won't change her mind. BUT --- think of all the embarassment you can cause T2 when you remind him of it later in life....starting about age 8. Still works for me with L4!
Aunt C

Anonymous said...

I read recently that in sweden and denmark they have released a line of specialty diapers that are self-changing. They use a charcoal-based liner that absorbs and wicks messiness away from the skin and then secretes a cleansing anti-bacterial gel that dries quickly and wont chafe! One diaper can last all day. I'd look into it.
