Saturday, April 25, 2009


it's so weird how one day your kid is the way he has been for the last 6 months and the next day it's like your child was abducted and whoever did it left this complete stranger with a whole new rule book. the last 4 days or so, tayloe's had a burst of new words and along with it the inclination to ask why. at everything.
why do you put the milk in the fridge?
why do pretzels go here? why is the oven hot? why are you brushing my hair? why do you do this? why do you do that? what you doing now? why are you doing that?
i enjoy the curiosity, sure. and i'm happy to explain a thing or two when i know the answer. but ya gotta know i'm not a particularly chatty person. quiet doesn't make me uncomfortable. so this afternoon when i realized i'd been talking nonstop to a two year old for what felt like 100 years i felt an enormous amount of anxiety about how long this is going to last. especially because he's relentless. thomas is screaming and the phone is ringing and i'm clearly about to lose my #$it, but there he is - right at my heels looking for answers to life's larger questions. and not quietly or patiently, i might add.
i'll say that this new found chatter and the discovered ability to communicate beats the tantrums of the preverbal early twos, but only by a little bit.
thomas, meanwhile, is going through some kind of 8 month attachment thing. i can hardly put him down without him dissolving into a puddle of tears. it's the saddest thing you've ever seen.
so if you need me i'll be here. under a huge pile of laundry and dust with dishes piled up in the sink braving the t2 inquisition and with a little cherub clung to me like a staticky dark sock.


Reid said...

right there with ya girl!

Anonymous said...

god love you

Kate said...

Emma's 5 and the questions have not slowed down yet. The worst is in the car. I never thought I'd have a DVD player in the car and I not only have one, I encourage her to watch it so I can drive in peace!

Ginny Gill said...

"why" is an evil word invented by somebody who did not have children.........

Anonymous said...

Oh but you do it so well Catherine - you are truly a mother to be admired and all your love, attention, patience, and more love show daily in those two amazing kids. I never had kids and mostly I don't regret it, but when I see you and what a wonderful job you are doing and what great kids you have I think -what if??? JDE