Tuesday, December 16, 2008

things unseen

as if real life wasn't enough to keep up with, lately tayloe's been creating entire scenarios in his head and then trying to explain them in 2 year old twoglish. the combination is mind blowing. most of the time i have no idea what he's talking about even when i can clearly understand him.
yesterday we rescued a frog from under the sink (with a hammer no less) and chased him around the house. we also caught about 100 very large fish in wolly's dog bowl using cookies for bait. his baby (a doll i gave him when thomas was born) has had a tummy ache (mama, baby's dummy hwurts) all day and has been changed, burped, tucked and untucked into bed about 1,000 times. right now he's doing weekly maintenance on his fleet of trucks and farm animals.
he spends a lot of time with his gang of people, moving them around in trucks, putting them in the laundry basket, hiding them under things and talking to them.
i was going to get him this cool marble maze thing for christmas, but i think instead i'm going to get him a doll house because he loves to move things around and create situations (look, mommy, people watch george. look mommy, people to pete's house. look mommy make tookies.)
seen any good ones?

post script: before tayloe went to bed, i showed him a few doll houses i found online and asked if he liked them. he went bananas, chattering on and on about having a home for his people. he got so wound up it took close to an hour to get him in bed. he showed me the one he liked the most but of course it was out of stock so i just spent 2 hours scanning the web like a crazy person to find it somewhere else. i never did find the exact one, but i ordered one very very similar. i won't link to it because ... well, what if he checks my blog? you'll have to wait for christmas morning photos. and yes, i'll probably sit up all night christmas eve assembling the thing (while big tayloe snores on the couch) which will for sure have instructions only in korean and be missing 7 or 8 essential pieces and i'll have to call india to reorder and it'll take so long we'll be able to give it to him as a birthday present in july. but regardless of that i'm now very very excited for christmas because i know i've gotten at least one incredibly perfect gift.


Anne said...

how about this one? http://lh5.ggpht.com/_MmMAxUifYo4/Rx42S0lnrSI/AAAAAAAAAGY/p2I3YTSALjU/djwed028.jpg

it has more rooms than Mt. Airy!

Katy Gilliam said...

sooo funny! last year, we got Scott and Anna a mini trampoline. It took us THREE hours to put it together. A few bottles of wine later, I lost it! I started spewing explatives about how much Christmas is a big pain and we should just cut the picture off the box and have that sitting out Christmas morning. Not one of my better moments but dang, it is funny! Thank God for wine! Miss you! xoxo

Ginny Gill said...

i hope it holds together better than the wagon.......
good luck! it is only the beginning of what christmas eves are to come for us, huh?

Anonymous said...

I want to see a picture of the house for the people!