Friday, March 20, 2009


oh thomas. i could gush on you all day. my new favorite name for you is rosy cheek apple face. you're just luscious. if naming kids after fruit wasn't so queer i'd of done it.
so it's spring here and that makes me happy. we all love being outside. in fact, i'm starting to think little tayloe might be happier if we just put his bed in the chicken coop. i've never known a child to love dirt and mud so much. every single pair of pants he owns have mud stains on the knees. it's awesome.
tomorrow we're building raised beds for our vegetable garden, so today i ordered a load of dirt and compost. tayloe was so excited when he saw the truck pull up, he couldn't sleep for his nap.
that excited.
over. a. pile. of. dirt.
happy days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful, handsome boy! i just love his smile. JDE