Wednesday, May 02, 2007

gimme five

the latest from the land of ttwo. pardon the firmness with which i instill the new skill in the final frames of this video. perhaps i was a little gung ho.
observe also that the moment i cease to entertain, he turns and goes straight for da-da, who he has decided he loves more than anything else in the entire world.
he wakes up, takes one look at me and then yells, "DA DA???" "
i put him on the floor and he takes off crawling toward tayloe, muttering "da-da, da-da, da-da."
he gets to his father and has a melt down at his feet until tayloe picks him up. then he smiles uncontrollably and giggles a lot, looking at me every once and a while to make sure i see that he's having a perfectly delightful time without me.
da-da. da-da. da-da. dadadadadadadadada.
it's all da-da all the time.
and i'm totally fine with that.
oh also, we had the nine month appt yesterday. everything's just fine and get this - little tayloe got a shot, a hugh needle in his thigh, and he didn't cry. not a peep. isn't that weird? and amazing? the nurse said it made her feel good, so she gave us 4 cans of free formula, a bunch of $5 off coupons and a very nice book on early childhood development.
you should have seen me carrying all that crap plus the baby to the car. where was da-da when the similac was falling from my purse, when my hands were so full i had a book of coupons clutched between my teeth all while my pants were falling down and the baby was clinging to my neck for dear life. huh? huh? DA-DA????
i am woman. hear me roar.


Anonymous said...

playing golf?

Anonymous said...


How cool is it that you not only have a husband, a baby, and a house, but you have your own blog too. I love it...and your writing is as entertaining and funny as ever. Hope you all are well...we are all happy and smiling up here in Winthrop.

Much love to you three.
