Monday, September 29, 2008


ok i'm not sure how we got so lucky, but thomas is seriously the best baby on the planet. tayloe was a good baby. if it's possible, thomas is even better.
and big tayloe is such a sweet husband. all day i sit around and daydream about how my life sucked before tayloe came and rescued me from my evil and disreputable life and drove me away on a silver pumpkin carriage made of love and sacrifice. i've been in AA for 6 years now and sober as a polecat. god bless john mccain and sarah palin.
(obviously t1 hijacked my blogger mid-post while i was putting t2 down for a nap. however, he is a sweet husband and an amazing dad. and he can be rather funny).


Kate said...

Thomas looks just like you! I haven't met your husband, but that photo of the two of you together is amazing!

Anonymous said...

she's not really in AA.

Katy Gilliam said...

OH MY GOSH! I was dying as I read you were in AA etc. That is so funny! I can not wait to see you in a few weeks!