people are having a lot of fun guessing baby no. 2's birthday, so let's make it public.
what's' your guess? the due date is sept. 5. i'll tell you my mother has already claimed the morning of aug. 31, partially because it's her birthday and partially because it's the day following a full moon in a blue moon month. but that doesn't mean you can't join her. (i'd say it's a pretty good guess as guesses go, except that'd put me a whole week early and i just can't imagine doing anything that ahead of time).
i'm guessing sept. 7 for no real reason except that's when i'd like it to happen. which means it won't. also, tayloe was due on a friday but was born 2 days late on a sunday, so it seems to me this birth should follow suit. it's funny how your brain falls back on what it knows when it doesn't have any other information to go on.
now that the house is finished (pictures soon) i really should get some things done this week, like get a bag packed and get some fall clothes & shoes for t2 and maybe buy a decent looking pair of pajamas since we'll have a few more visitors this time. maybe i should start a list.
we're pretty much ready though. his room is clean and his clothes are clean and i even have some diapers. tayloe and i have surrendered to being tired and exasperated and have promised to remind each other that it won't last forever.
it's anyone's guess whether little tayloe is ready for the storm that's about to rock his little world. he knows there's a baby in my belly, but when we tell him there'll be a baby in our house soon he says, 'no way.' and not like , 'NO WAY, GET OUT! HOW FUN' more like, 'no way am i going to tolerate that.' sometimes for kicks i ask him where the baby should sleep and he either says with wolly or outside with cheese, his fish.
anywho, waddya think. early, late or right on time? i'll keep a running tally and post it here. the winner gets to host t2 in his/her own home for an ENTIRE WEEK!!! NO WAY!!!! HOW FUN!!!!!!!
I'm guessing two days late like T2. I have so many friends that have their second baby on the same time schedule as the first!
i'm guessing labor day. 12 noon.
Sept 9
Auntie c
Go with the flow..... none of mne followed suit with the others, first on his due date, second induced 10 days early, 3rd on her own 2 1/2 weeks early, and third 1 week early but when they pulled him out they said he wasn't coming out on his own anytime soon. Can't wait to meet the little monkey and see you! I will be there with bells on whenever you need me, I PROMISE!! Hey, I did fly across the country to meet t2, do you think a little one hour drive to cville will stop me???? Also, I wold LOVE for t2 to come for a visit WHENEVER HE WANTS TO COME...... love, ginbug
276 main street votes on Jan Janes BD, August 31st - a full moon baby! The pull of the tide is a powerful force.
Sept 6th.
Sept 4th
I like the 7th. Sawyer was 3 days early and so was Arden, so I'm gonna guess that if T2 was two days late then T3 will be the same.
oooh but labor day would be so appropriate! only you'd have second string doctors.
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