Thursday, July 13, 2006

barkin dogs

i don't really know what to say about the state of my feet. i keep getting pedicures (those poor, poor korean women) hoping to massage, buff and polish the fright away. obviously it's not working.
today's doctor's appointment was un-e-vent-ful. i took the stairs knowing it'd make my blood pressure leap and hoping that from that they'd decide to induce me. i'll have to think of something more clever next week.
yesterday a lady on the street asked me if i was having twins.
later that afternoon, I had the following conversation with the check out clerk at Whole Foods:
HIM: Good Lord, honey, where's your husband?
ME: um, he's ...
HIM (cutting me off and leaning in close, whispers): you are having a girl.
ME: Nope. the baby's a boy
HIM: Oh, I'm sorry.
ME: awkward pause. puzzled look
HIM: if you've been walking often and showering only during the day, you'll have a quick and easy labor.
ME: you're a living fortune cookie
HIM: awkward pause. puzzled look
i've started telling people who ask when my due date is that it's that day. i think it scares them a little and that makes me feel good.

1 comment:

tracey said...

emery - you rule. you make me laugh out loud and i love you for it.