Friday, August 25, 2006

what i've learned

1. burp cloths make themselves scarce when the puke comes
2. pacifiers come in sizes
3. babies don't read parenting books (actually, neither do i)
4. there isn't a diaper wipe on the market that smells normal
5. baby einstein is stupid
that's my top 5. there's more, but i won't bore you.
it's testosterone city here. three boys, wolly and me. the steelers play in t minus 45 and counting, so i expect the levels to rise significantly as the night progresses. i can't lie and say i'm not excited for football season, but i do feel a sudden urge to do something girly like wash my hair and paint my nails. i think i will.
here's what's new today: first, i'm boycotting pareting books (see number 3 above) because they create crazy people and i'm pretty sure are written by the kind of morons that offer unsolicited kid advice in the grocery store aisle. i don't much like those people so i don't much think i need to read their books. so bye bye 'what to expect the first year' - you're going to the bottom of the baby trunk. i'll call you if i need you.
also new today is that t2 slept from 9:45 until 4ish last night. bliss.
the little flirt also smiles pretty much whenever he's awake and makes these 'aw shucks' smirks and locks in on our eyes and says ggaaahhh a lot. we love him and i'm pretty sure he's starting to love us.
having said that, you should know it isn't uncommon for me to forget we have him. actually, not forget so much as just not remember immediately. this morning we all went to the beach for a walk and a smoothie. tayloe grabbed t2, lawrence grabbed the stroller and i grabbed my purse. outside, as i watched tayloe putting the baby in the car it registered that he is in fact ours and that maybe i should go back inside and get the diaper bag. and a blanket to keep him warm cause its breezy at the beach. and maybe a pacifer.
yo, blondie. you have a baby.


Anonymous said...

i can so totally picture you forgetting you have him. which i have to believe that all parents go through, at least for a little while. also, imagining this situation made me miss you like crazy.

Anonymous said...

just remember that once I forgot T1...not the diaper bag..the baby..didn't get very far before I remembered...and I am not even blonde!

Anonymous said...

the only thing I ever got out of a parenting book that was of any use was that a parent cannot divorce their child - and there were times.............