Wednesday, September 13, 2006

they meet.

soon enough t2 is going to own the floor so i figured he and wolly should become better acquainted. 'ol wolls hasn't done too bad making room for the baby, but i think that's because he still has the floor. when the shit hits the fan, he can hide in the laundry room or in the corner of our bedroom and he knows he's pretty much safe. he's going to be very, very bummed when those days end if he doesn't have some warning first.
we let wolly near tay on a regular basis. mostly wolls just comes over and licks his face, sniffs and then walks away.
he gets it. he doesn't like it much, but he gets it.
tay usually closes his eyes when wolly gets close, so i think maybe he didn't fully realize that we have a dog. maybe he just thought his dad was giving him an especially wet kiss.
but today it all came together in a very big way.
here's what i think t2 is thinking:
um, what is that?
if that's our dog, he's much bigger than i thought.
woah man, does he look bigger from down here.
he's very very big, maybe the biggest dog ever.
he isn't getting any smaller.
what's this i'm sitting in? it's not a chew toy, is it? mom, am i sitting in a chew toy?
i'm going to just (hiccup) keep (hiccup) my eye (hiccup) on him.
here's what i think wolly's thinking:
great. this is just g-r-e-a-t.


Anonymous said...

OMG! This has GOT to be one of the funniest posts yet, Catherine. Sweet JTE2 is adorable and Wolly is .....well, just bless his heart..what a trooper. We love Wollly!!!!

Reid said...

i want to know what up with that chair?

Anonymous said...

everything about that video is just plain cuteness overload.